
D-Mannose Capsules

2000 mg 180 Capsules | 2000 mg 180 Capsules | Urinary Tract Wellness Supplement

What Are Our D-Mannose Capsules?

In today’s fast-paced world, many individuals don’t get time to look after their urinary tract. If you’re one of them, we present you with a simple yet powerful solution. Our D-Mannose Capsules, each containing 2000 mg of pure D-mannose, aim to address the crucial need for your body’s urinary support.

With 180 capsules per bottle, we offer a 2-month supply, ensuring you have a convenient and consistent ally in maintaining a sound urinary tract. Crafted without magnesium stearate and certified vegan, our capsules provide a clean and effective way to incorporate this natural sugar into your routine.

How Do Our D-Mannose Capsules Help You?

D-mannose is a type of sugar that is naturally found in some fruits, such as cranberries. Our specially formulated capsules offer 2000 mg of potent D-Mannose per serving. This natural sugar can help you in the following ways -

  • Known for its ability to support optimal urinary tract function, it deals with the adhesion of harmful bacteria to the urinary tract walls.
  • Regular use of D-Mannose may help against the risk of UTIs and symptoms associated with these infections.
  • D-Mannose offers a natural and gentle alternative to antibiotics for individuals prone to recurrent UTIs, helping avoid potential side effects and antibiotic
  • resistance.
  • As a naturally occurring sugar, D-Mannose is generally well-tolerated, ensuring a clean and pure source of support.
  • D-Mannose also contributes to the maintenance of normal bladder function, supporting you from within in case of any bladder discomfort.

Why Choose Our D-Mannose Capsules?

Here’s why our D-Mannose supplement stands out from the crowd -

  • Formulated with 18+ years of industry experience in making 200+ health supplements and devices
  • Each serving offers a high strength of 2000 mg of potent D-Mannose
  • 100% free from GMOs so that you enjoy the benefits without facing any known side effects
  • Does not contain any magnesium stearate
  • Our D-Mannose capsules are vegan, ideal for people on a vegan diet
  • We offer you a 100% money-back guarantee within 90 days so you can try the capsules risk-free
  • Our capsules contain zero added flavourings or sweeteners
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94.74% based on 56 Verified reviews

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These D-Mannose Capsules are a game-changer! I've struggled with UTIs, but since using WeightWorld's product, they're practically non-existent. So grateful for a natural solution!

J Jane
Verified Purchase

Being vegan, finding quality supplements is crucial. WeightWorld's D-Mannose Capsules not only meet my ethical standards but also keep my urinary health in check. Highly recommend!

D David
Verified Purchase

Two words: life-changing! The 2-month supply is convenient, and the fact that it's an antibiotic alternative is fantastic. Bye-bye, UTI worries!

S Sarah
Verified Purchase

No more compromising on health! These capsules are not only effective but also vegan-friendly. My urinary tract feels supported, and I'm loving it!

P Peter
Verified Purchase

As someone prone to UTIs, these capsules have become my go-to. They don't just prevent infections; they also contribute to a healthier bladder. Couldn't ask for more!

R Rebecca
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A supplement that truly cares for your well-being! D-Mannose from WeightWorld is my secret weapon against UTIs. It's gentle on the stomach and works wonders.

M Michael
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Absolutely thrilled with the results! Not only did it help with my UTIs, but I've also noticed a positive impact on my overall bladder function. It's a win-win!

L Lucy
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These D-Mannose caps have become a staple in my routine. Bye-bye antibiotics; hello natural support! My urinary health has never been better.

D Daniel
Verified Purchase

Solid product! D-Mannose Capsules have improved my UTI occurrences, and the 2-month supply is a plus. Almost perfect, just a tad pricey for my taste.

H Helen
Verified Purchase

Works well, but it took a couple of weeks to see noticeable results. The vegan and Non-GMO aspects are commendable.

W William
Verified Purchase

Je me sens beaucoup mieux depuis que je prends D-Mannose. Les problèmes urinaires sont réduits.

M Marie
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Ce produit a grandement amélioré mon confort urinaire. Très satisfait !

T Thomas
Verified Purchase

Efficace pour prévenir les infections urinaires. Je recommande !

E Emma
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Un changement notable dans ma santé urinaire. Je continue à utiliser !

J Julien
Verified Purchase

Excellent produit pour le bien-être urinaire, je me sens beaucoup mieux.

S Sophie
Verified Purchase

Ça marche sur moi, mais dès arrêt, les problèmes reviennent…

L Lucas
Verified Purchase

Très bon pour la santé urinaire, et naturel, ce qui est un plus je trouve!

C Chloé
Verified Purchase

D-Mannose fonctionne bien pour moi. Les infections urinaires ont diminué.

H Hugo
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Satisfait de l'effet sur mon système urinaire, le confort est amélioré.

L Léa
Verified Purchase

Un soutien fiable pour la santé urinaire, naturel et efficace.

A Alexandre
Verified Purchase

Io soffro regolarmente di cistite e il mio medico mi ha detto di assumere un integratore di Mannosio, insieme a dei probiotici. Mi fido molto di questo marchio e ho acquistato questo prodotto. Non so ancora dire i risultati, lo assumo da un mesetto ma per ora sono soddisfatta. Prezzo ottimo

F Francesca
Verified Purchase

Sto provando ad avere un bambino da qualche mese e soffro spesso di cistite post coitale, questo prodotto lo utilizzo da un po’ perché non volevo assolutamente antibiotici ecc., mi ci trovo molto bene, voto 5 stelle

L Lea
Verified Purchase

Il mio medico mi ha detto che la mia cistite è, tra tante varie cose, legata alla stitichezza (in effetti! :)) e mi ha consigliato di assumere un integratore al mannosio, mi sembra efficace anche se nn ci possiamo aspettare miracoli, ci vuole tempo

S Sara
Verified Purchase

Lo prendo da qualche mese, ottimo

F Franco
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Ho spesso infezioni e questo mi sembra un ottimo integratore, più che altro non ha tutte quelle schifezze che mi fann male e sono onesti per quanto riguarda il prezzo

M Matilde
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Preso per mia moglie insieme alle gummies con i probiotici, come ci è stato consigliato dalla nostra nutrizionista di fiducia. Mi sembra davvero buono

V Valerio
Verified Purchase

Questo sito per me è una garanzia: continuate così. Il servizio clienti mi ha dato davvero tanti consigli utili e avendo da tempo problemi con la vescica mi sono fidato subito. Grazie

L Lucio
Verified Purchase

Non volevo assolutamente cominciare l’ennesima terapia antibiotica e ho scelto questo prodotto proprio per un’alternativa naturale: il problema è che molti costano un occhio della testa e questo mi è sembrato un compromesso perfetto. Per ora voto 5 stelle, buon servizio

D Daniele
Verified Purchase

Io soffro spesso di cistite batterica e molti integratori non sono serviti. Voglio dare una chance a questo, mi sembra buono ma tocca vedere col tempo

N Noa
Verified Purchase

Mi piace molto ma davvero va assunto con costanza. Basta dimenticarsi di prenderlo qualche giorno e via, spariscono i risultati. Se si fa attenzion è ottimo

G Giacomo
Verified Purchase

Har hjälpt mig mycket på en kort stund och känner att jag mår bättre.

A Andrea
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Helt utmärkta. Jag får ofta urinvägsinfektioner, men efter att ha använt dessa ett tag har jag inte haft något! Riktigt glad!

i isabella
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Perfekta, gör det dom säger att dom ska göra. Rekommenderar dem verkligen.

I Ishia
Verified Purchase

Inte lika benägen för urinvägsproblem längre. Så jag är nöjd!

L Louise
Verified Purchase

Bra kosttillskott för priset

O Olivia
Verified Purchase

Något jag har letat efter för att hjälpa mig mot urinvägsinflammation och dessa verkar ha hjälpt mig att återhämta mig.

E Erika
Verified Purchase

Ett riktigt bra kosttillskott som jag kombinerar med tranbärsjuice för att undvika urinvägsbesvär. Kan rekommendera.

M Monika
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Har haft färre problem med urinvägarna sedan jag började ta d mannos

A Ann-Marie
Verified Purchase

Att vara vegan och att hitta kvalitetskosttillskott är avgörande. WeightWorlds D-Mannosekapslar uppfyller inte bara mina etiska normer utan håller även min urinhälsa i schack. Rekommenderas starkt!

Y Ylva
Verified Purchase

Helt mållös, Var riktigt skeptisk till att ta D-Mannose, men efter att ha testat dessa ett tag så har det verkligen gjort susen! Jag skulle rekommendera alla att testa dessa för att hjälpa en om man har problem med urininfektioner eller cyst..

J Johanna
Verified Purchase

Tager dem sammen med tranebærkapsler når jeg kan mærke en snigende urinvejsinfektion. Det klarer jobbet.

B Britta
Verified Purchase

Virker som det skal og er rigtig tilfreds

H Haditza
Verified Purchase

De blev heldigvis leveret hurtigt, da jeg havde brug for pillerne med det samme

J Jelena
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De har virket for mig! Så ingen klager herfra!

W Winnie
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Har fået færre problemer med urinvejene efter at jeg er begyndt at tage d mannose

L Laura
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Er ikke så tilbøjelig til at få urinvejsproblemer længere. Så er god tilfreds!

L Louise
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Virker som beskrevet.

A Annette
Verified Purchase

Et rigtig godt kosttilskud som jeg kombinerer med tranebærjuice for at undgå urinvejsproblemer

G Gunni
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Godt kosttilskudt til prisen

E Erika
Verified Purchase

Har ikke haft urinvejsinfektion siden jeg begyndte at tage pillerne.

M Monifa
Verified Purchase

Blij dat ik dit product gevonden heb voor mijn vrouwelijke problemen die af en toe om de hoek komen kijken. Na een week slikken zijn de problemen al minder.

S Sabine
Verified Purchase

Natuurlijke ondersteuning! top!

M Maya
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Dit supplement helpt me uit de brand.

A Anoniem
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L Lorianne
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A Ahmed
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Kende D Mannose nog helemaal niet maar werkt goed voor mijn gevoel

S Selma

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