
Vitamin C Gummies

200 mg 120 Gummies | 206 mg 120 Gummies | For Natural Defences

What Are Vitamin C Gummies?

Vitamin C plays a major role in bolstering our bodies defences. While you can get the recommended amount in many foods, it can be hard to fit a balanced diet around an unbalanced life. Work, studies, or taking care of the kids can quickly fill your day.

Thanks to WeightWorld’s Vitamin C Gummies, you can get your daily dose of the good stuff in delicious, easy-to-chew gummies. No matter how hectic your schedule, you’ll always have the time to snack on this tasty supplement, so you can get on with the things that matter.

What Are The Main Benefits of Vitamin C Gummies?

Vitamin C

Arguably the world’s most famous vitamin, Vitamin C must also be obtained from outside sources like food or supplementation. It helps form and maintain the bones, skin and blood vessels. It also helps the body produce collagen, which is important for the skin and hair. It helps your body absorb iron, another important mineral. And, of course, it’s important for the immune system too.

Who Are Vitamin C Gummies For?

These supplements are perfect for children over 5, as well as adults of all ages, who want to boost their immunity while unable to access a balanced diet.

Their delicious orange flavour makes them perfect for fussy eaters too!

And, as they’re vegan and vegetarian-friendly, they can give a boost to those who might not get enough Vitamin C in their diet.

Full List of Ingredients

Vitamin C (as L-Ascorbic Acid), Zinc (as Zinc Citrate), Sweetening Agents: Glucose Syrup, Sugar and Dextrose, Thickening Agents: Pectin, Glycerin, Coconut oil and Acetylated starch, Acidity Regulators: Citric Acid and Sodium Citrate, Glazing Agent: Vegetable Oil [Contains Carnauba Wax], Colouring Agents: β-Carotene and Purple Carrot Juice Concentrate, Flavouring Agent: Natural Orange Flavour.

How To Take

To make the most of these Vitamin C Gummies, simply chew 2 gummies daily. You can take one gummy in the day and the other in the evening with your main meals, or take them at once. For optimal results, it is recommended that you take the gummies at approximately the same time every day.

Advice: Gummy should be chewed and not swallowed whole. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Food supplements must not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking any medications, or are under medical supervision, please consult a doctor or healthcare

professional before use. Discontinue use and consult a doctor if any adverse reactions occur. Not suitable for children below 5.

Storage: Close bottle lid properly. Colour may fade over time, for best results store in a cool dry place. Keep out of the reach of children under 5.

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reviews 4.5

93.16% based on 75 Verified reviews

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Tasty , enjoyable and I use these as treat in my keto diet - double whammy

Z Zeb K
Verified Purchase

Yummy gummy vitamins c.

M Mrs T
Verified Purchase

First time try me and grandkids real enjoyed

S Surinder M
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Good good items

p pency
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A very pleasant & easy to take vitamin. Nice flavour

P Patricia B
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Super product. Highly reccomended. Thank you.

D Deborah
Verified Purchase

Easy to use with a pleasant taste

P Patricia B
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A legfinomabb C vitamin, amit valaha ettem

A Andrea P
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Lovely combo! My hair’s never looked or felt so good!

T Tracey
Verified Purchase

These gummies are delicious - they might as well be sweets!

T Tilly
Verified Purchase

Love the orange flavour! So much nicer to take than a bland pill or tablet

N Niamh
Verified Purchase

I’m bad when it comes to fruit so these have been great for ensuring I get enough vitamin C into my diet

H Harry
Verified Purchase

Like these a lot, very convenient

P Paul
Verified Purchase

My days can be really hectic sometimes so these gummies are great for helping to balance my diet

N Naomi
Verified Purchase

Very easy to chew and the orange flavour makes it for me! Definitely buying again

R Ralph
Verified Purchase

Really like how these gummies provide me with a natural source of Vitamin C- nice to know I’m staying healthy in a sustainable way!

M Maggie
Verified Purchase

Since taking these I’ve noticed my skin feels a lot smoother than before! Love how there’s so many benefits!

E Emily
Verified Purchase

Nice to know I’m maintaining my immunity as you never know what’s round the corner. I’ll be buying again I’m sure

P Pete
Verified Purchase

Som gjort för mig som hatar att svälja tabletter men älskar godis :D

A Anette
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M Melissa
Verified Purchase

Bra produkt med två viktiga tillskott i en, som dessutom smakar bra

A Amanda
Verified Purchase

Jag glömmer alltid att ta vitaminer, men dessa är lätta att komma ihåg då jag blir sugen på något sött.

G Gitta
Verified Purchase

Kul att ta C-vitaminer i form av gummies. Helt klart bättre än att svälja tabletter

B Benita
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Nöjd med köpet

H Harry
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Jag hade lite strul med beställningen med fick hjälp av kundtjänsten. Super nöjd!

E Etta
Verified Purchase

Bra grejer

M Minna
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Gott o roligt o håller förkylningar borta.

G Gunnar
Verified Purchase

Köpte dem till min tonåriga dotter, men nu använder hela familjen dem. Jag vet inte om dom funkar än, men goda är dom.

R Riina
Verified Purchase

Goede combinatie

M Maud
Verified Purchase

Lekkere gummies

L Liv
Verified Purchase

lange levertijden

J Juul
Verified Purchase

Ik gebruik het voor de kids en ze vinden het stik lekker

D Daley
Verified Purchase

Smakelijk en gezond

M Mila
Verified Purchase

De gummies smaken niet te zoet en ik vind het ideaal als gezonde 'snack'

J Jayden
Verified Purchase

Zink maakt echt een groot verschil voor je nagels dus ik zou het iedereen aanraden!

N Nadine
Verified Purchase

Gaat helaas sneller op dan verwacht aangezien het moeilijk is om bij 1 gummie te stoppen :)

T Teun
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V Vinz
Verified Purchase

De gummys plakken behoorlijk

E Eva
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A Anonymous
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lo sto ancora testando, il gusto è buono...peccato per il contenuto di zucchero.

S Stefania
Verified Purchase

Prodotto valido

W Wendy
Verified Purchase

Conveniente e di qualità

R Rosella R
Verified Purchase

L'unica difficoltà è prenderne solo 2 al giorno :D Deliziose!

E Elisa
Verified Purchase

Le porto sempre con me in borsa, specialmente nei mesi freddi sono un ottimo modo per prendere abbastanza vitamina c.

A Alessia
Verified Purchase

très efficace et facilement assimilable

C Cyril B
Verified Purchase

bon produit, savoureux.

A Audryll L
Verified Purchase

Avec le Covid, j’ai entendu que le zinc aidait. Toute ma famille prend donc les Gummies depuis août dernier. Et pour l’instant on touche du bois.

F Fabien
Verified Purchase

Ces gummies sont vraiment excellentes. Étant végétarienne, j’ai un manque en que ces gummies m’aident à combler.

A Anne
Verified Purchase

Ce complément est succulent. S’ils n'indiquaient pas le dosage à ne pas dépasser, j’aurais fini le flacon en quelques jours à peine.

E Emmanuel
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C’est la première fois que je vois un complément en forme de bonbons. J’espère que l’efficacité sera la même que pour un complément classique!

B Benjamin
Verified Purchase

Excellent produit. Fortement conseillé en cette période de pandémie, surtout la vitamine C que beaucoup de médecins recommandent à titre préventif.

J Jean
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Moi et ma conjointe, et surtout nos parents en prennent régulièrement pour rester en forme et tomber moins souvent malade.

C Cyril
Verified Purchase

C’est une bonne idée que de proposer un multivitamines sous forme de friandises.

K Karine
Verified Purchase

Quand j’ai pris ce complément pour la première fois, ça a été le coup de foudre. Cela fait maintenant 3 ans et demi que j’en prends et je ne peux plus m’en passer.

F Fabrice
Verified Purchase

Étudiant à temps plein en médecine, je n’ai pas beaucoup de temps pour préparer mes repas et manger sain. Ce complément m’aide à combler mes besoins en attendant des jours meilleurs.

J Jérémy
Verified Purchase

De er ret lækre og så er mit hår og mine negle blevet så meget pænere!

L Louise
Verified Purchase

Min teenage datter brokkede sig over sit hår og negle, så jeg gav hende dem her - hun stråler på en helt ny måde nu, så jeg bliver altså ved at købe dem til hende!

T Tilde
Verified Purchase

Har altså slåsset med mine negle,men det er bedre med dem her og så smager de også godt

R Rikke
Verified Purchase

Virker!!! Kan anbefales!

G Grethe
Verified Purchase

Har target dem i en måned nu, og begynder at se forbedringer

M Mejse
Verified Purchase

De gør en mega forskel!

F Frida
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Aldrig har det smagt så godt at pleje min krop - det er jo genialt!

S Sasha
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Jeg er meget tilfreds, synes de virker godt

W Wanja
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Det tog lidt tid, men så har jeg også bare set en god forskel siden

I Ida
Verified Purchase

De smager så godt at jeg faktisk er ligeglad med om de virker. Ej, men de virker altså også

A Amanda
Verified Purchase

Tolle Gummibärchen! Mein Haar hat noch nie so gut ausgesehen und sich so gut angefühlt!

T Tamara
Verified Purchase

Diese Gummibärchen sind köstlich - sie könnten genauso gut Süßigkeiten sein!

N Nathalie
Verified Purchase

Ich liebe den Orangengeschmack! So viel angenehmer zu nehmen als eine fade Pille oder Tablette.

J Jenny
Verified Purchase

Ich vergesse oft, das nötige Obst zu essen,, also sind diese Gummibärchen großartig, um sicherzustellen, dass ich genug Vitamin C in meiner Ernährung bekomme.

M Max
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Einfach in den Tag einzubauen und angenehm einzunehmen.

P Paul
Verified Purchase

Meine Tage können manchmal wirklich hektisch sein, daher sind diese Gummis toll, um meine Ernährung auszugleichen.

B Büsra
Verified Purchase

Sehr leicht zu kauen und der Orangengeschmack ist sehr natürlich! Werde sie auf jeden Fall wieder kaufen.

R Ralf
Verified Purchase

Ich mag es sehr, dass diese Gummibärchen mich natürlich mit Vitamin C versorgen - schön zu wissen, dass ich auf nachhaltige Weise gesund bleibe!

M Marie
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Seit ich die Gummibärchen nehme habe ich festgestellt, dass sich meine Haut viel glatter anfühlt als vorher! Ich liebe es, dass sie so viele Vorteile für den Körper haben!

E Emily
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Super Hilfe, um mein Immunsystem aufrecht zu halten, da man nie weiß, welche Erkrankung man als nächstes abwehren muss. Ich werde sie sicher wieder kaufen.

P Peter

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