
Hemp Patch

20 Patches | 20 Patches | For Joints & Muscles

What is the WeightWorld Hemp Patch?

WeightWorld's Hemp Patches are the incredibly easy-to-use patches designed to support healthy bones and joints. Each patch is infused with high-quality hemp seed oil for extra fast absorption. Unlike other hemp supplements, with these patches, you will be able to experience Hemp's benefits all day long by wearing them under your clothes!

The benefits of hemp

Due to the growing popularity, much research has been carried out to find out the benefits of hemp. They have discovered that hemp seed oil and hemp seeds can be highly effective towards relieving the aches in your body’s joints and bones. In addition to assisting in these areas, hemp is known for its many other amazing benefits to your overall wellbeing health including for skin, brain, immunity, and more!

Hemp Patch

Who is it for?

Our trusted brand presents this premium product to those who are looking to give their body the best and are willing to invest in their health and wellbeing. Hemp is an increasingly popular product that can support people who do a lot of sports or have issues with joints and bones. Not only that, the product’s form is simple and convenient for those who don’t want to be taking repetitive pills or messy creams.

Hemp Patch Direction

Ensuring the skin is clean, dry and free of hair, apply one Hemp Patch each day on either the arm, thigh, back or stomach (not for the face). Replace the patch every 24 hours, and apply in a new position each day. Do not use on irritated or broken skin. If you are receiving medical treatment or medication for a health problem, you should speak to your doctor.


Acrylates Copolymer, Aqua (Water), Hemp Seed Oil, Polysorbate 20, Menthol, Phenoxyethanol.

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reviews 4.5

88.28% based on 86 Verified reviews

Verified Purchase

I think they are great.

B Beth K
Verified Purchase

The patches really help and with being green at least they are easy to peel off.

G Grace A
Verified Purchase

After 30 years of constant pain it is 70 % better with out the side effects of medication which took me 2 and a half years to come off really pleased

M Maureen J
Verified Purchase

Brilliant works well

I Iestyn C
Verified Purchase

As far as I can tell they work very well.

M Mary M
Verified Purchase

These are to replenish my supply as it’s the only thing that work for my intense rib pain just apply the forget about it

A Amanda H
Verified Purchase

Incredible product really helped my back pain! Nothing else has worked as well!

V Vikki
Verified Purchase

Won't be purchasing anymore

j john C
Verified Purchase

Two days later than was expected apart from that spot on

I Ian L
Verified Purchase

Simple enough to apply. I like it so far.

H Helen
Verified Purchase

I have just started using this so not sure about long-term results, but in terms of how it looks and feels it is good.

P Patrick
Verified Purchase

I feel a lot better with using this and the price is good compared to others.

S Sanjay
Verified Purchase

I can't believe how easy this is!

J Julia
Verified Purchase

Really worked for my knee problem. I can walk more comfortably now

P Paul
Verified Purchase

Hjälpte kanske något men inte mot kraftigare värk. Jag skall pröva när jag har lättare värk och utvärdera. Det känns kallt och lite pirrigt när man trycker på plåstret efter det suttit ett tag så något utsöndrar det ju ! Sitter fast lite dåligt så jag ramade in med sårtejp och det funkade fint!

H Helén
Verified Purchase

Känns lugnande och mjukt

k kund
Verified Purchase

Bra produkt - allt gick supersmidigt också!

A Anna
Verified Purchase

Så glad att jag äntligen hittade denna fantastiska produkt. Alltid smidigt och prisvärt hos er

L Leona
Verified Purchase

Bra plåster som faktiskt funkar

K Karin
Verified Purchase

Oj så spännande med hampa

M Minna
Verified Purchase

Jättebra plåster

T Tilde
Verified Purchase


O Olivia
Verified Purchase

Dubbla plåster fungerar

S Sandra
Verified Purchase

Så bra!

M Miriam
Verified Purchase

Jag ar inte blivit förkyld på hela vintern

L Lizette
Verified Purchase


A Anna
Verified Purchase

Abbastanza buono !

M Marisa M
Verified Purchase

Olio buono

M Marisa M
Verified Purchase


Verified Purchase

Il materiale del cerotto dovrebbe essere più morbido e no di plastica

E Erika B
Verified Purchase

Cerotti un po' troppo rigidi,buon aiuto per dolori muscolari

O Ospite
Verified Purchase

penso che siano fantastici! ottimo servizio

m margaret
Verified Purchase

mi piace la sensazione balsamica sulla pelle quando gli indosso!

C Caterina Gazzato
Verified Purchase

li utilizzo quando mi sento indolenzito e mi aiutano a trattare il dolore a livello locale. confezione troppo piccola

g gianmarco83
Verified Purchase

molto buoni

A Anonymous
Verified Purchase

La canapa è una pianta antica con molte proprietà, utile per sgonfiare le infiammazioni, alleviare il dolore e ridurre lo stress. L'olio di canapa allevia i dolori articolari (anche cronici), i cerotti si applicano sulla parte da interessata (schiena, braccia, gambe ecc), questo utilizzo è detto transdermico: nel senso che rilascia i principi attivi contenuti nel cerotto nella zona interessata attraverso l'assorbimento della pelle). È antinfiammatorio: le proprietà lenitive della canapa riducono le infiammazioni causate da traumi o contratture muscolari in modo naturale; l'olio di canapa contribuisce a ridurre la comparsa del raffreddore rafforzando il sistema immunitario.

D Dumba88
Verified Purchase

La canapa è una pianta che veniva utilizzata nell'antichità per le sue molte proprietà, in particolare per le infiammazioni e per questo motivo ho deciso di fare questa prova. Ho molti dolori articolari in particolare al collo, al ginocchio e alla schiena. Ho applicato i cerotti già da qualche giorno ed oltre ad allebiarmi notevolmente il dolore, mi danno anche un senso di rilassamento. Ottimi

N Nicola P
Verified Purchase

Ho voluto provare questi cerotti alla canapa perché mi ero stancata della solita pomata.Devo dire che già alla prima applicazione,alleviano il dolore,io l'ho usato nella zona ginocchia.E già va molto meglio Ottimo prodotto,confezione.

M Mary
Verified Purchase

si sente l'efetto balsamico

A Alessia
Verified Purchase

effetto antidolorifico dopo qualche minuto dall'applicazione, alleviano il dolore

g ggni74
Verified Purchase

Non avevo mai provato un prodotto del genere ma sono veramente sorpreso! Ne ho acquistate altre due confezioni. Efficace e naturale

G Giacomo N.
Verified Purchase

Je l'ai testé aussitôt reçu ça m'a soulagé rapidement,.Je le conseille fortement

E Eliane M
Verified Purchase

on aurait tord de s en passer §§

C Clientbubu
Verified Purchase

Effets vraiment très légers, j'ai également fais une allergie à la colle qui malheureusement ne tient pas bien.

B Barbara A
Verified Purchase

Excellent produit pour douleur vertébrale et anxiété !

Verified Purchase

semble efficace sur la durée douleur atténué

P Pilastre J
Verified Purchase

Le produit chauffe TROP, difficile à supporter

A Alain P
Verified Purchase

Super efficace mais en continu ne pas interrompre le traitement car effet vu au bout de 10 jours

A Antoine D
Verified Purchase

Difficile de se prononcer, je viens de les recevoir. On verra dans 3 mois

F Fred V
Verified Purchase

J'utilise de l'huile de chanvre depuis quelques temps, je ne connaissais pas ce format mais c'est vraiment pratique, on en colle un le matin et on l'oublie assez facilement. Je sens un léger effet sur la relaxation et sur mon anxiété. Je l'ai deja recommandé a plusieurs amies

C Céline T
Verified Purchase

J'aime beaucoup ces patchs. C'est mieux que de prendre des pilules ou autres et je ne le sens pas tout au long de la journée.

A Amy
Verified Purchase

Facile à appliquer, mais est trop collant parfois. Parfois j'oublie aussi de le remplacer par un autre.

R Ritesh
Verified Purchase

La livraison a été rapide et bon prix. C'est facile à porter et marche très bien pour moi.

D Dave
Verified Purchase

Je me sens beaucoup mieux avec ceci et le prix est bon comparé aux autres.

S Sanjay
Verified Purchase

Facile à utiliser. Je l'adore.

H Helen
Verified Purchase

Je ne peux pas croire que c'est aussi facile à appliquer

J Julia
Verified Purchase

Je viens de commencer à l'utiliser, donc je ne suis pas sûr des résultats à long terme, mais en termes d'apparence et de sensation, c'est bon.

P Patrick
Verified Purchase

Commande reçu rapidement et concernant les produits pour le moment c'est top

N Nat'
Verified Purchase

Bon produit, à soulager pas mal de douleurs. Seul problème quelque rougeur à l'endroit du patch, sensation de brûlure à l'application et durant un moment.

J Jen
Verified Purchase

Jeg kan ikke helt se en effekt, men har også kun prøvet to stk plastre. De er ret store at have på.

G Gitta
Verified Purchase

Der er et rigtig godt produkt

I Ina H
Verified Purchase

Let at anvende, men sidder en smule sidder fast. Jeg glemmer også engang imellem at sætte den nye på.

R Ritesh
Verified Purchase

Jeg kan godt lide dette. Det er lettere end pillerne, og jeg føler det ikke hele dagen.

A Amy
Verified Purchase

levering var hurtig, og det var til en god pris. Det er let at have på og fungerer for mig.

D Dave
Verified Purchase

Enkelt til at anvende. Jeg kan godt lide det indtil videre.

H Helen
Verified Purchase

Jeg er lige begyndt at bruge dette, så ikke sikker på langvarige resultater, men det føles godt.

P Patrick
Verified Purchase

prisen er god sammenlignet med andre.

S Sanjay
Verified Purchase

Jeg bruger et plaster om dagen for at styrke mit immunforsvar mod virus

M Michelle
Verified Purchase

Virkelig nemme at bruge og samtidig super effektive!

S Sanne
Verified Purchase

Jeg er meget tilfreds med disse plastre. De er meget effektive og kan ikke ses gennem tøjet.

F Frederikke
Verified Purchase

Jeg bestilte plastrene i marts da Corona kom til Danmark for at passe på mig selv. De virker!

T Thomas
Verified Purchase

Ich habe ein sehr schlechtes Abwehrsystems und habe lange Zeit nach etwas gesucht, das mir dabei hilft. Mit den Patches habe ich jetzt endlich eine Lösung gefunden - sehr empfehlenswert!

P Paulina
Verified Purchase

Einfache Anwendung, gute Wirkung und guter Preis!

U Uli
Verified Purchase

Das Pflaster ist super, da es unter der Kleidung nicht zu sehen ist und man es schnell anwenden kann.

V Verena
Verified Purchase

Das Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis ist gut. Ich benutze das Produkt jetzt schon länger und habe bemerkt, dass ich nicht mehr so schnell und oft krank werde. Kann ich also allen mit schwachem Abwehrsystems nur empfehlen.

R Raffaela
Verified Purchase

Ich klebe mir täglich ein Pflaster auf den Bauch, da ich es dort am angenehmsten finde. Das Resultat ist unglaublich, da mein Abwehrsystems enorm verbessert ist und ich mich viel fitter fühle.

A Antonia
Verified Purchase

Ich habe schon vieles von den Vorteilen von die Produkten gehört und kann nur bestätigen, dass diese Pflaster eine gute Wirkung auf mein Abwehrsystems hatten.

S Sascha
Verified Purchase

Super Produkt - guter Service und gute Qualität!

L Luis
Verified Purchase

Einfach zum Anwenden. Ich mag es bis jetzt.

H Helen
Verified Purchase

Ich habe gerade damit begonnen, dies zu verwenden, da ich mir nicht sicher bin, ob es langfristig zu Ergebnissen führt. Aber wie es aussieht und sich anfühlt, ist es gut.

P Patrick
Verified Purchase

Ich fühle mich viel besser damit und der Preis ist gut im Vergleich zu anderen.

S Sanjay
Verified Purchase

Ich kann nicht glauben, wie praktisch das ist!

J Julia
Verified Purchase

Realmente funcionan bien

F Francisco G
Verified Purchase

Eficaces, pero no duran 24 horas. Veremos el efecto acumulativo

J Joseba I

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