
White Kidney Bean Capsules

5000 mg 180 Capsules | 5000 mg 180 Capsules | For Blocking Carb Naturally

How do carb blockers work?

Carbohydrate blockers work by inhibiting the enzyme alpha-amylase that breaks down and digests complex carbohydrates. These are molecularly made up of many simple carbs linked together in a chain. These complex carbs have to be broken down into glucose by enzymes before they are then able to be absorbed and used, or the excess stored as fat.

When you take a carb blocker though, the enzyme is temporarily blocked, allowing the complex carbohydrates to pass through your system undigested. This means that they are not converted into glucose and therefore not stored as fat. They also do not contribute any calories or raise blood sugar levels. It still allows however, for the ‘good’ simple carbohydrates to be digested properly. As a result, you still receive the benefit and nutrition of the ‘good’ carbs, but not the ‘bad’ ones - a win-win situation!

Some may think though that if they begin taking a carb blocker supplement that they can eat as many complex carbs as they like. Taking one of these supplements doesn’t allow you to overindulge on your favourite pastas and breads, but it does allow you to manage and control your carbohydrate intake as well as allow you to have the occasional treat without the guilt.

What is the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates?

White Kidney Bean Extract

As a natural carb blocker supplement, White Kidney Bean Extract is designed to help promote healthy weight management by helping you to control your carbohydrate intake and the amount of carbs your body digests. This makes it a perfect supplement for those wanting to look after their weight but don’t want to give up their favourite foods or go on a strict no-carb diet. White Kidney Bean Extract could also be a useful option for diabetics to help control what they eat in a natural and safe way.

What makes White Kidney Bean Extract unique from other carb blocker tablets and products is that it is made from natural ingredients that have been carefully selected in their exact quantities to provide a unique formula. White kidney beans are hailed to be one of the best natural carbohydrate blocking ingredients around. The other ingredients selected in this superior formula are designed to perfectly compliment the White Kidney Bean, to help with other health benefits including supporting energy levels, to give a rounded supplement that you can really make the most of.

Active Ingredients

White Kidney Bean Extract:

Also commonly known as Cannellini beans, White Kidney Beans are named for their kidney-like shape. They are often called a natural carb blocker as they can help to inhibit the digestion of starches to help reduce the amount of carbohydrates that are digested. They are also rich in fibre, minerals, vitamins and proteins.


Known as an "essential trace element", Zinc is crucial to your bodily defences as well as bodily function. Zinc has been linked to a multitude of benefits to your body. Our bodies cannot produce zinc by itself so that it’s why it is so important to ensure your body has enough zinc to function to its full potential


Found in trace amounts in foods such as meat, shellfish and eggs, Chromium is an essential mineral for the body. Not only is it considered good for our overall health, it is though to be advantageous for weight management and digestion. It also contributes to the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels and normal macronutrient metabolism.


Simply take one capsule with a full glass of water, five to ten minutes before eating a main meal that contains carbohydrates. For optimum results use alongside a controlled and balanced diet and take the capsule at approximately the same time every day.


White Kidney Bean Extract contains only natural ingredients and so therefore has no known side effects and is safe to take. We do always recommend checking the ingredients first to see if you have any personal allergies to avoid. This natural carb blocker is gluten-free and suitable for vegetarians. Consult your doctor first if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or on medication.

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reviews 4.5

90.08% based on 126 Verified reviews

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Happy with the product

P Patience O
Verified Purchase

Pleasant Discovery of a New Product! I'm grateful for Carbo Blockers, there seems to be so much added starch from various food groups in many foods we consume daily. Thankfully there is a solution to break down these insidious sugars eroding the proper fundtion of vital organs. Also, these diet supplements can be consumed at any age!

V Victoria W
Verified Purchase

i am giving 5 stars in the hope it works, but not started using yet so fingers crossed and i shall be back for more

L Leslie B
Verified Purchase

Not sure about these been taking A while and don’t see much change I have used fat binders and carb blockers before and have had some effects by now

m michelle
Verified Purchase

i used to get a product from america, but with taxes and late deliveries i found this and it is an excellent replacement. I can eat carbs without gaining weight

L Leslie B
Verified Purchase

Very happy with it. Will give it time to see the results.

J Joey M
Verified Purchase

Nice; don't notice any major changes but good value for money.

F Fedor
Verified Purchase

Helps when eating carbs

L Leslie B
Verified Purchase

Works really well for me, I've been eating exactly the same as normal (bread and pasta included) and have actually lost a bit of weight! very impressed and interested to see how much I would lose if I actually changed my diet a bit and ate healthier

D Daisy
Verified Purchase

I've been looking for one of these that is vegetarian and natural, I've been wanting to try something like this but have always been a bit wary of what in it so when I saw this I had to get it

M Marianne
Verified Purchase

Can't believe how well this works! I love bread and pasta and wanted to lose weight but found it hard to give it up or switch to one that was more healthy as they tasted bad. Thank god I found this as otherwise I'd probably end up giving them up for a few days, losing weight and then giving in and putting it all on again. These are such life savers!

K Kathy
Verified Purchase

Very good, works well

M Manesh
Verified Purchase

Not really sure if this has done anything yet, might be too early to tell

K Katherine
Verified Purchase

I had zero side effects with this which I am really happy about

D David
Verified Purchase

I love pasta and bread so even though I don't know if this is actually helping me to lose weight I do know that i can eat without having to feel guilty!

D David
Verified Purchase

So worth it, these are great!

A Andrew
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I eat way too much bread and pasta and stuff so I really hope this works, sounds like a really good thing though!

E Ellie
Verified Purchase

I think these are starting to work for me! yaya!!

S Stephanie
Verified Purchase

Very good

D Dipak
Verified Purchase

Best one of these Ive tried - only one that has actually done something!

K Karen
Verified Purchase

Keep forgetting them to be honest but they seem to work when I do remember them

K Kaya
Verified Purchase

I've been trying to diet for so long with no real results. My main downfall is pasta and bread, so I thought I'd change tactics and instead of getting rid of them completely then breaking down and having a whole loaf, I'd try this. So far, it's working out great and I've reduced the normal amount of bread I eat but when I do, I use these. I've actually lost weight so will 100% continue!!!

E Erica
Verified Purchase

I love bread but couldn't give it up, so this is perfect

E Euan
Verified Purchase

excellent for people like me that want to eat carbs, but don't want the weight!

C Carolanne
Verified Purchase

I have tried not eating carbs and it was so hard!! I decided on this instead as a compromise and although I eat less bread etc, I still can't avoid it so this is great!!

C Catherine
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I can't give up bread so this has been my compromise

A Ali
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Je souhaite avoir plus de choix

D Dolly P
Verified Purchase

pas encore utilisé

M Madame B
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Je ne connais pas encore l'effet. J'espère juste qu'il bloque la glycémie, raison pour laquelle je l'ai acheté.

M Marianne R
Verified Purchase

Seems great!

J Johanna F
Verified Purchase

Très bien. Je suis très satisfait.

T Terry
Verified Purchase

Très satisfait

C Client R
Verified Purchase

extrait de haricot blanc très concentré ,excellent rapport qualité prix

C Client R
Verified Purchase

bon produit

M Marc S
Verified Purchase

Je connaissais les bienfaits du harciot blanc sur l'absorption des glucides mais je ne pensais pas à en trouver en gélule. Je teste ça dès demain

V Viviane S
Verified Purchase

N'étant pas très sportive j'ai commandé ce produit dans l'espoir de pouvoir perdre du poids facilement sur recommandation d'une amie. Résultat après 3 semaines de prise, je n'ai pas perdu de poids mais j'ai arrêté d'en prendre en mangeant toujours normalement.

M Mélanie L
Verified Purchase

Je recommande vraiment ce produit, on peut se lacher et ne pas prendre 1 g. Génial !!! Livraison rapide

A Audrey T
Verified Purchase

reçu rapidement

Y Yvonne M
Verified Purchase

c pas mal

O Olivia N
Verified Purchase

Je suis un amateur de pâtes et ma femme en a eu marre que je prenne du poids! Du coup elle m'a acheté ce complément et j'ai du me mettre au sport. Sans faire attention à ce que je mange j'ai perdu 3kg en 15 jours. Ça marche quand même très bien

D DavidG
Verified Purchase

J'aime beaucoup trop mangé pour faire un régime... mais carb a arreter ma prise de poids c'est vraiment bien! Très content de cette boite de gélules

A AdamBauwens
Verified Purchase

Des effets visibles sur ma balance! Tout en faisant du sport à coté j'ai perdu 2 kg en 15jours! et pourtant je mange toujours autant

M Maëlle Henry
Verified Purchase

Quand vous vivez au pays de la frite je peux vous assurez que la perte de poids est un enfer! (surtout quand vos amis sont maigres mais mangent pour 10!) Ce complément m'a quand même bien aidé à gérer mon poids

A AxelleVerheyen
Verified Purchase

J'adore le pain mais je ne pouvais pas y renoncer, alors c'est parfait

E Euan
Verified Purchase

excellent pour les gens comme moi qui veulent manger des glucides, mais ne veulent pas de poids!

C Carolanne
Verified Purchase

J'ai essayé de suivre un régime depuis si longtemps sans résultat réel. Mon principal inconvénient est les pâtes et le pain, alors je pensais changer de tactique et au lieu de m'en débarrasser complètement, puis j'ai diminué. Jusqu'ici, ça marche très bien et j'ai réduit la quantité normale de pain que je mange. En fait, j'ai perdu du poids alors je vais continuer à 100% !!!

E Erica
Verified Purchase

J'ai essayé de ne pas manger de glucides et c'était tellement difficile !! J'ai plutôt opté pour cela comme compromis et bien que je mange moins de pain, etc., je ne peux toujours pas l'éviter, donc c'est super !!

C Catherine
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Je ne peux pas abandonner le pain donc c'est mon compromis

A Ali
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Très bon produit que j'ai déjà utilisé et que je viens de recommander.

N Nathalie
Verified Purchase

Je suis diabétique et J'ai utilisé ce produit en complément de mon traitement, j'ai constaté une perte de poids en 6 mois de 9 kilos,es ce réellement dû à ce dernier ???je peux néanmoins affirmé que je n'ai pas suivi de régime durant ces 6 mois

M Michel
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Fondamentale coadiuvante nell'assorbimento dei carboidrati

S Silvia G
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Mi aiuta tantissimo

S Stanislawa Z
Verified Purchase

Ottimo prodotto per chi anche durante una dieta vuole sgarrare ti aiuta a non prendere peso.. in una settimana ho perso 2kg abbinata ad una sana alimentazione e perché no qualche sgarro è concesso e carb no more ti perfette di farlo senza pentimenti! Consigliatissimo

C Cecilia
Verified Purchase

Di facile utilizzo, solo 10 min prima dei pasti, è pratico e FUNZIONA!

D Daniela B
Verified Purchase

Fantastico! Per la serata pizza/sgarro e scorpacciata di carboidrati e zuccheri, questo aiuta a bruciare!

Verified Purchase

Ottimo se assunto correttamente.

G Giuseppe
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I miei capelli, unghie e pelle ringraziono

C Cliente
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Il principio è lo stesso del CROMO, blocca l'assorbimento degli zuccheri. Ottimo da assumere prima di un pasto ricco di carboidrati. Consigliato!

V Valeria
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Ottimo integratore ed ho riscontrato effetti benefici

A Alessandro N
Verified Purchase

Ottimo prodotto

P Paola C
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Sono a dieta ma non voglio rinunciare a qualche sfizio come un piatto di pasta o una pizza ogni tanto. Con questo integratore ho trovato un ottimo compromesso!

G Gianluigi
Verified Purchase

Non pensavo esistessero integratori che dessero una mano in questo senso. Da quando l'ho visto, ho scelto subito di provarlo perchè può darmi una mano nella mia lotta per il peso forma.

N Nadia
Verified Purchase

Assumo questo integratore da poco ma già noto delle differenze quando mangio carboidrati complessi. Mi sento molto meno gonfia e piena. Il personale dell’Assistenza Clienti è molto preparato e disponibile

L Loredana
Verified Purchase

Integratore valido ed efficace, è inoltre facile da ingerire. Consegna veloce

C Carmela
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Integratore naturale che permette la perdita di peso attraverso il blocco dei carboidrati riducendone la quantità che ne viene ingerita. Sono adatte a tutti essendo vegane e senza glutine. A fine pasto non mi sento più gonfia come le altre volte in cui assumevo carboidrati. I risultati si stanno vedendo e sono decisamente positivi. Ve lo consiglio vivamente, è un ottimo prodotto.

A Ambra
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Ho provato questo integratore per un po di tempo e devo dire che sta funzionando. Preso prima di un abbuffata permette di limitarne i danni. Non lo prenderei regolarmente.

d debo
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Sono sempre stata diffidente per quanto riguarda questi prodotti ma dopo essermi fatta coraggio ho deciso di provarli e come primo ho scelto questo. Devo essere sincera contro ogni aspettativa a fine pasto non mi sentivo gonfia come le altre volte che assumevo carboidrati e pesandomi ad esempio il giorno dopo aver mangiato la pizza il numero sulla bilancia non era salito vertiginosamente, ovviamente senza una dieta sana ed equilibrata ed attività fisica non fa miracoli ma è un buon aiuto per i giorni di sgarro, soddisfatta

M Maria Fontanella
Verified Purchase

Ho preso questo prodotto per limitare i danni dei pasti "sgarro", ne assumo due compresse insieme circa 30/40 minuti prima del pasto con due bicchieri di acqua e fa il suo dovere. Seguo cmq una dieta bilanciata e, nonostante in questo periodo mi sono concesso qualche sfizio in più, la dieta procede molto bene! Per me funziona. Consigliato

m marchetto
Verified Purchase

lo assumo quando sono in dieta e mangio pasta e carboidrati senza sentirmi in colpa!

j juri
Verified Purchase

mi dà senso di sanzietà. soddisfatta per ora

c carla
Verified Purchase

Hab die Kapseln zum ersten mal bestellt. Vergesse zwar manchmal sie zunehmen aber wenn ich sie nicht vergessen scheinen sie doch zu wirken

S Sabine
Verified Purchase

Ich möchte gerne Abnehmen aber trotzdem nicht auf Brot und Nudeln verzichten. Hab hier die Lösung gefunden. Ich nehme die Kapseln und achte auch etwas auf meine Ernährung, scheint zu klappen

T Tamara
Verified Purchase

Hab meinen Kohlenhydratkonsum etwas eingeschränkt und nehmen zusätzlich diese Kapseln und ich hab seitdem schon ein paar Kilo abgenommen

S Silke
Verified Purchase

Ich habe versucht, so viele Diät zu machen, aber leider ohne gute Ergebnisse. Mein Hauptnachteil sind Nudeln und Brot. Also habe ich mir vorgenommen meine Taktik zu ändern. Anstatt Teigwaren komplett loszuwerden und danach zusammenzubrechen, habe ich dieses Produkt bestellt. Bisher funktioniert es hervorragend und ich habe die normale Menge an Brot, die ich esse, reduziert. Da ich das mache, verwende ich diese. Ich habe tatsächlich an Gewicht verloren, also geht es zu 100% weiter!!!

E Erica
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Ich liebe Brot, kann es von meinem Leben nicht weglassen, das ist perfekt

E Euan
Verified Purchase

Hervorragend für Leute wie ich, die Kohlenhydrate essen wollen, aber nicht zunehmen möchten!

C Carolanne
Verified Purchase

Ich habe versucht, keine Kohlenhydrate zu essen und es war so schwer !! Ich entschied mich stattdessen für einen Kompromiss und obwohl ich weniger Brot usw. esse, kann ich es immer noch nicht vermeiden, also ist das großartig !!

C Catherine
Verified Purchase

Ich kann nicht auf Brot verzichten, das war mein Kompromiss

A Ali
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Seitdem ich die Kapseln nehme, habe ich keinen Heißunger mehr und es hilft wirklich, meine gesunde Ernährung aufrechtzuerhalten. Ich fühle mich nicht so schwach wie früher auf Diät.

S Sonja
Verified Purchase

Carb-Blocker sind gerade so beliebt, aber ich konnte mit dem Weightworld MCT-Öl in Kombination wirklich einen Unterschied merken! Keine Heißhungerattacken mehr und ich fange tatsächlich an, etwas Gewicht zu verlieren! Bin sehr zufrieden.

S Sven
Verified Purchase

Ich benutze die Kapseln während meiner Diät. Es ist natürlich super wenn die Kapseln auch eine hohe Qualität haben, das merkt man schon an der Ummantelung. Sie sind leicht zu schlucken und gut verdaulich.

L Lamiya
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Funkar!! har inte gått ner i vikt men omfånget runt midjan har minskat med 2 cm använt dessa i 3 veckor.

L Lotta
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Har testat liknade produkter förut med gott resultat. Det fortsätter fungera

J Johanna ?
Verified Purchase

Perfekt supernöjd, hjälper magen också

K Kajsa F
Verified Purchase

Jag är jätte nöjd !

A Anu R
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Verkar funka bra !

Å Åse P
Verified Purchase

Är ett utmärkt alternativ, om man vill gå ner i vikt och samtidigt äta en kolhydratrik diet.

J Jan-anders P
Verified Purchase

Jag har läst om liknande innan och varit jättesugen på att pröva. Har precis köpt hem min första burk, är superspänd och hoppas på bra resultat.

S Sandra
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Jag har köpt kolhydratsblockerare från apoteket innan som funkade men inte sån bra som jag vill. Tror att dom här kan hjälpa bättre eftersom jag köpt andra produkter från weightworld innan som fungerat bra.

S Susana
Verified Purchase

Även om jag ju kanske inte kan äta kakor och bullar vid varje kafferast så känner jag nu att jag i alla fall kan unna mig en bit kaka till fredagsfikan på jobbet och det räcker gott för att jag ska vara nöjd.

G Gunnilla
Verified Purchase

Har ätit dom här i två månader nu och jag tycker att de har fungerat riktigt bra. Äter en kolhydratsnål diet men ibland unnar jag mig vanlig pasta ändå och då har jag tagit en sån här innan och jag har fortfarande gått ned i vikt

M Moa
Verified Purchase

Svårt att säga om det är tabletterna som hjälper då jag både halvbantar och tränar mer nu, men jag har gått ned några kilon och det är det enda som räknas. Vågar inte sluta med dom här nu och sluta gå ned i vik haha

K Karin
Verified Purchase

Min fru åt dom här och gick ned i vikt, och nu vill hon att jag ska äta dom också. Hoppas de funkar lika bra på mig

A Anders
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Funkar fint ihop med träning och en bra kost

L Linda
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Bra grejer

I Ida
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Har länge kämpat med vikten så nu hoppas jag på en rejäl boost

M Maggan
Verified Purchase

jag tycker att dom är bra

l lina
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Produktet er et effektivt slankemiddel, men man skal have god robusthed for at bruge det, for man mister sin normale energi.

I Inger M
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Ikke nemt at vurdere kosttilskud. Så jeg lander midt i 👍😊

k kunde
Verified Purchase

Tager dem hver dag.

t thomsen
Verified Purchase

Bruger flere produkter fra proto-col og jeg syntes da lige jeg vil anbefale dem til andre på internettet:-)

C Cathrine-pigen
Verified Purchase

Denne fantastiske kulhydratblokker blokerer virkelig kulhydrater. Jeg troede det var en myte, men det virker!!

E Elisabeth
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Jeg er virkelig glad for produktet. Det kom dagen efter jeg bestilte. Siden jeg startede har det stoppet min sukkertræng og det forbrænder fedt. Super!

B Bente
Verified Purchase

Jeg ønskede at tabe mig, så købte produktet. Fungerer fint med at kulhydraterne nemmere nedbrydes.

L Lotte
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Ok levering og service, men havde højere forventninger til produktet. Får en 3/5

J Jonas
Verified Purchase

Jeg har forsøgt med kur så længe uden resultater. Min største synder er pasta og brød, så jeg tænkte, at jeg ville prøve dette. Indtil videre fungerer det godt, og jeg har reduceret den normale mængde brød, jeg spiser...

E Erica
Verified Purchase

elsker brød, og kunne ikke stoppe at spise det helt, så dette lyder perfekt

E Euan
Verified Purchase

fremragende til folk som mig, der vil spise kulhydrater, men ikke ønsker vægt øgning

C Carolanne
Verified Purchase

Jeg har prøvet ikke at spise kulhydrater, og det var så svært !! Jeg besluttede i stedet at prøve dette som et kompromis, og selvom jeg spiser mindre brød osv., Kan jeg stadig ikke undgå det, så dette er fantastisk !!

C Catherine
Verified Purchase

Jeg kan ikke opgive brød, så dette produkt har været mit kompromis

A Ali
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Hopelijk krijg ik een goed resultaat bij gebruik van de carb no more capsules

J Johan V
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M Mevr. M
Verified Purchase

Goede koolhydraten Blokker, gebruik deze al jaren.

L Ladylee
Verified Purchase

Effectief product, gebruiksvriendelijk en transport vriendelijk.

N N. K
Verified Purchase

Het lukt me maar niet om brood op te geven dus dit is de gulden middenweg

A Ali
Verified Purchase

Het is zo moeilijk om van carbs af te blijven - het lukt me maar niet. Daarom heb ik deze capsules. Ik eet minder carbs nu maar met deze kan ik toch nog af en toe eten

C Catherina
Verified Purchase

Ik denk dat ze beginnen werken voor mij. Yay!

S Stephanie
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De beste die ik tot nu toe geprobeerd heb - deze is de enige die al verschil heeft gemaakt!

K Karen
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Ik vergeet ze vaak maar als ik ze neem werken ze wel!

K Kaya
Verified Purchase

Geen bijwerkingen van gehad dus ben er heel blij mee

D Dave
Verified Purchase

Niet zeker als ik er resultaten mee heb geboekt, maar het kan zijn dat het nog te vroeg is

F Free
Verified Purchase

Carb no more is het helemaal waard! Geweldig!

A Andy
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Ik kan weer brood en pasta eten zonder schuldgevoel

A Adil
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Het duurde even maar het werkt. Capsules zijn makkelijk door te slikken.

A Anonymous

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