Christmas is coming! We can taste the festivities in the frosty winter's air, hear it in the holiday anthems slowly sneaking their way onto the radio, and see it with the trees and decorations popping up all around. But most importantly, you are going to feel it on boxing day morning after all of that food and drink! Make no mistake, Christmas is a heavy affair filled with eating, drinking and merrymaking that can leave you feeling bloated, lethargic and in need of a serious acai berry detox. Christmas however, is a marathon and not a sprint, and the best way to win a marathon is to train and get your head in the game, which is why a little bit of pre-festivities detoxing can go a long way to ensure you are able to handle the aftermath of the holidays with considerably more ease.
Here are WeightWorld’s five top natural detox tips to get your stamina ready for the mayhem of the holidays!
Number 1 - Reduce Your Carb Intake
You want to first make sure that your body is in the best possible position to take on the enormous amount of food that comes along with Christmas dinner and the other meals that precede and follow it. By cutting carbs and natural fibre to aid digestion, you'll not only feel lighter and more proactive, but you will be setting yourself up for being in the best possible shape to consume a huge meal on Christmas day without it taking too much of a toll on how you feel. Also, we aren't saying starve yourself, but fewer potatoes, pieces of bread and pasta over the 12 days of Xmas could do a world of good.

Number 2 - Mediate Your Alcohol Intake
With it being pub season and there being plenty of excuses for a festive drink with friends and family and celebration of romance, the last thing you need in the run-up to the stress of Christmas is a hangover! A sound body needs to be accompanied with a sound mind and drinking too much is a sure fire way to weaken your immune system and risk a holiday illness, or leave you feeling genuinely unprepared for all of the activities.

Number 3 - Avoid Stress
Speaking of being of sound mind and reducing the likelihood of getting sick, you might notice that many people get ill at Christmas time, this is because one of the signature causes of common illness is stress and change in temperature. You need to avoid it at all costs, which will be difficult as Christmas is arguably the most stressful time of the year...for adults anyway. With the run-up to Christmas, you need to plan your time well and maybe even devote just one day to get everything planned in order to provide you with the longest possible time for you to devote to yourself and relax. This will eliminate stress and give your body time to rest and recharge in preparation for the hustle and bustle of Xmas.

Number 4 - Get Moving
The holiday season other than being really busy, is renowned for being a time where people take relaxing to a new level and let themselves go a bit. Why wait until making a New Years resolution when you can get fit and active now? Some winter running, stretching your muscles, cycling or trips to the gym will keep your immune system in check, help with your alertness and metabolism, and also create an appetite that can be put to work at Christmas dinner!

Number 5 - Find Your Support With The WeightWorld 10 Days of Detox
There has never been a time when supplementation is more appropriate than Christmas. If it’s trying to boost your activity, control your appetite, or make sure your body is bursting with supportive, immune system-enshrining micronutrients in time for December the 25th, then you’ll be happy to know that there is a range of natural supplements dedicated to all of these goals. At WeightWorld we are bringing you 10 days of detox in the run-up to Christmas with fantastic offers on your favourite supplements to get you thoroughly prepared for the holidays!