The Connection Between Omega-3s And Heart health

From building brain cells to keeping the heart healthy, Omega-3s are believed to impact every aspect of your overall health. However, the human body does not produce Omega-3 fatty acids on its own. They can only be obtained from omega-3 foods like Tofu, Soybeans, Flax Seeds, Chia Seeds, Walnuts, Canola Oil, Soy Oil, Oysters, Cod Liver Oil, Salmon, Sardines, Shrimp as well as certain fortified foods. Ideally, Omega-3 should make up at least 5% of your total calories.
Omega-3 Benefits For Heart Health
Lowers The Level Of Triglycerides
Triglycerides are a type of body fat that is found in the blood. When the level of triglycerides increases in the body, it leads to a fatty build-up in the walls of the arteries. This increases the risk of stroke, but Omega-3s have the ability to lower triglyceride levels! (1)
Reduces The Risk Of Arrhythmia
Abnormal heartbeats are called Arrhythmia, and while they are harmless, they may increase the risk of heart issues. Research studies have shown a positive link between the intake of Omega-3 fatty acids and a reduced risk of Arrhythmia. (2)
Slightly Lowers Blood Pressure
High blood pressure increases the risk of stroke, but the effects of Omega-3 on blood pressure are known to be positive. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure are shown to reduce slightly when people are administered a dose Higher in Omega 3 fatty acids. (3)
Reduces The Rate Of Plaque Build-up
Plaque mostly constitutes of cholesterol, fat & calcium, and it can accumulate in your arteries. This can limit the flow of oxygen in your blood. A diet that is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids has been associated with a lower risk of stroke. This is because Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects which may improve the functioning of endothelial cells lining the blood vessels. So, the intake of Omega-3 might benefit people with heart disease. (4)
If you are in good health and eat at least two servings of fatty fish every week, then it is excellent for your heart health! However, if ensuring a diet that includes an optimum level of Omega-3 is challenging for you, then you can consider adding Omega-3 supplements to your diet. These easy-to-swallow supplements will reinforce your healthy diet and help boost your brain health without any hassles!
How To Choose The Right Omega-3 Supplements
Here are a few features to look for in your Omega-3 supplement if you want to get the maximum possible benefits:
- 1000mg of Omega-3 in every serving
- A potent combination of EPA and DHA
- A GMP certification so you know you are giving the best to your body
Avoid any preservatives and chemicals and if you are a vegan then check if the supplement is made using Algae Oil. Alongside these factors, following a healthy diet and exercise routine is your best bet for a healthy heart!